Is your business on life support?

Some have closed their doors (either permanently or indefinitely) and others have created innovative ways to get products and services into the hands of customers.

In the past, traditional methods of marketing for business included print advertising, signage, direct mail and product seeding in public spaces.

Today, businesses have been thrust (at lightning speed) towards digital and social media, having to contend with online advertising, landing pages, websites, blogs and e-newsletters.

Learning to take advantage of any marketing channel that is free during this pandemic is crucial for many services to simply keep their doors open.

How do businesses achieve brand awareness on social media?

We all know that branding is one of the driving forces behind why consumers choose one business over another when there are numerous competing alternatives out there. Top of mind recall, known as ‘brand awareness’ can be a lengthy and costly feat for many businesses to achieve in turbulent times.

Being able to cut through the daily noise of media broadcasts and show that your service is making some sense of the effects of COVID-19 allows your business to educate consumers and potential prospects using a digital platform.

How often should I be promoting my service on social media?

As a rule of thumb, posting a variety of mixed content (three to four times each week) across all your social media platforms, is a good place to start. During peak, seasonal or unprecedented periods you can increase your posting as you see fit or as your engagement increases.

Any branded content you create must have a purpose and be relevant to your brand in the current environment. Using video is a powerful way to help consumers in their decision-making process, Smart Insights reports that “48 percent of consumers want videos to reflect the specific products they are interested in.

What kind of content should I be posting on social media?

Consider intimately what others would be looking from you as a business right now. Here are some of the things that consumers will want to know:

  • How does your brand set itself apart from competitors?
  • How do your products differ and what other services can you provide them?
  • Do you deliver your products or services in a particular manner?
  • What is your product availability right now?
  • How are you engaging and appealing to my sense of well-being?
  • Is your product or service beneficial to me right now or can I live without it?

Remember that both employees and consumers become pseudo brand ambassadors or customer relationship managers that will help your brand build relationships, create positive associations and engage with both consumers and the community, even if you can’t physically socialise with them.

Record your social media results for future marketing.

Remember to measure and adapt your social media efforts by looking at where the traffic is coming from online. Document and compare the results, looking at how often people are engaging with your posts and at what times of the day. Pay attention to see if certain posts or content type (image, video, written) are performing better than others, and if they are, do more of those types of posts.

Here are a few examples of what NOT to do for your brand:

Boasting about how wonderful you are as a business, how many awards you’ve won or how the delivery services are ‘destroying your profits’. Posting any content that is negative, inflammatory or has a ‘the world is ending as we know it’ vibe is the fastest way to be removed from someone’s news feed.

Your content must add value to people and to their lives, it must be relevant, offer advice on well being and demonstrate (in many ways) HOW your brand is ‘serving’ your consumers. This approach will deliver far more credibility and trust from your consumers to purchase from you now and in the future.

In turbulent times having a marketing strategy to drive the creative ideas
is the difference between success and failure.
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