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  10 · 07 · 2019




Did you know that Google ranks websites differently when you search from a mobile device?

Chances are your website doesn't rank quite as highly on a mobile search. In fact, recent research has revealed that only 13% of websites actually retain their desktop rank when searched for on mobile.

This is because Google favours websites that are highly mobile-friendly. How easy is it to use your website from a mobile device? Are you catering to the small amount of time, attention and screen space your mobile users have?

In 2018, over 50% of all global web pages were viewed on mobile devices. With the introduction of smartphones, people now have access to information 24/7. So if you haven't optimised your website for "mobile-first" compatibility, you've been left behind. We've been in the digital age for some years now, and if your website only caters to desktop users then your business is running with weights.

Have you been left behind? Let's help you propel your
business forward with a mobile-friendly website.

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